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Monday, December 1, 2008

Generating Remote and Binding Exception in Oracle BPEL

I was testing Remote exception and Binding exception for my sample BPEL Process and thought to put the post here.

My BPEL process "exceptionRB" looks like below and calls another BPEL Process "Hello1".

To create the Remote and Binding exception I played with the "Hello1" BPEL Process.
  1. To generate Remote Exception, turn the process state of "Hello1" process to "OFF" from manage tab on BPEL console (The exception description would be that the process state is OFF). Or undeploy the "Hello1" process (exception : cannot read the WSDL).
  2. To check Binding Exception, remove the operation "process" in "Hello1" which is called by BPEL process "exceptionRB". In my case I have change the operaion "process" to "process2" and redeployed the BPEL Process "Hello1".(Exception message would be "No such operation.")

Hope this will be helpful.



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