Disclaimer : This blog space does not necessarily reflect my views/ideas on the technology and beyond doubt, never reflects the views of my employer.

Monday, August 10, 2009

TNSListener not starting after re-installation of Oracle Database XE 10g

In certain cases we need to install the Database XE again. Specially when I am installing a new SOA Suite server. While uninstalling the XE, if any of your XE services are UP, your re-installation gives problem with TNSListener service startup.

you can do this,
1) Delete any of the following services if they exist in your Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services.
  • OracleServiceXE
  • OracleMTSRecoveryService
  • OracleXEClrAgent
  • OracleXETNSListener
To delete the service type "sc delete [service_name]" on your command prompt.

2) Go to Registry, and delete any reference to your XE database. You can search on the folder name where XE was installed, mostly "oraclexe" to get all the references.

Now, reboot your system and then install XE again. The installation should be fine now and TNSListener service should work properly.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post has been very helpful. I was not able to install the XE database again on my XP machine. The reason is that I was not deleting OracleMTSRecoveryAgent service.
